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Ward Oval construction is commencing, and it’s going to look very busy with activities commencing on site this week and the site fencing to be erected on Monday the 27th of March.

Please see attached site plan that indicates public parking area and walking access.

For pedestrian access onto the oval please use the double gates on both the eastern and western ends or alternatively the various single gates.

Please be mindful and take extra precautions when at the Ward Oval.

Ward Oval  – Construction Site

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Be prepared this bushfire season

Superintendent Vaughn Elsworth, District Manager for the Far West area said “With the statutory Bush Fire Danger Period (BFDP) in place from the 1st October, residents in fire prone areas

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Road Safety Projects

Have you spotted the recent works occurring around school zones within Cobar? Council has recently received funding from the Australian and NSW Governments as part of the School Zone Infrastructure

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Fight the Bite

    WHAT CAN YOU DO?    Cover Up Cover up with light, long sleeved clothing that covers as much of your skin as possible    Repel Apply a mosquito repellent,

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Iron Ringer Paver

Cobar Iron Ringer Committee is selling pavers to help raise money for building the Iron Ring structure.  See forms for more details.  Please click here to print forms.

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