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Superintendent Vaughn Elsworth, District Manager for the Far West area said “With the statutory Bush Fire Danger Period (BFDP) in place from the 1st October, residents in fire prone areas are reminded to be vigilant and think about how they can prepare for the bush fire season.

” Anybody wishing to light a fire on their property during the Bush Fire Danger Period will require a permit from either their local Brigade Permit Officer or closest Fire Control Centre. Even with a permit you need to check whether a Total Fire Ban is in place before lighting any fires,” Mr Elsworth said.

Permits will be required for the following local government areas:
  • Bourke Shire
  • Brewarrina Shire
  • Central Darling ShireCobar Shire
  • Unincorporated Area of NSW
  • Permit holder conditions include:
  • Mandatory notification to the local Fire Control Centre prior to lighting (minimum 24 hours)
  • Notifications to your immediate neighbors.

Local Brigade Permit Issuing Officers are only able to issue a permit for land within their Brigade Area – if you live in that area but have a property outside of that area you need to contact the relevant Issuing Officer.

Never leave a fire unattended and if a fire does escape it is essential to call Triple Zero (000) so that Emergency Services can respond accordingly and work with you to minimise the impact. Fire Permits are recorded centrally and accessible by authorised officers.

When they are recorded we need three critical pieces of information:

Your Rural Address Number eg 21635 Kidman Way – unfortunately our systems do not use property names.

An email address – your registered permit details will be emailed to this location.

A phone number (mobile preferred) – this is so text messages can be sent advising if there is a change in Fire Danger Rating eg Total Fire Ban during the duration of your permit.

Serious penalties, including fines and / or imprisonment, apply for starting a fire without a permit during the Bush Fire Danger Period.

For further information on fire danger ratings and total fire bans, how you can protect your property, or to download a Bush Fire Survival Plan, visit the NSW RFS website at or call the Far West Fire Control Centers at Cobar on 02 6836 1226, Bourke on 02 6872 4023 or Brewarrina 02 6839 2589.

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