Our vision is for Cobar Shire to be an attractive, healthy and caring environment in which to live, work and play, achieved in partnership with the community through initiative, foresight and leadership.
Our Mission is to provide sound and sensible government and ensure that works and services are delivered effectively and equitably to the community of Cobar Shire.
Council will also develop and constantly review its policy on the maintenance of its road network with current priorities to include the sealing of the following strategic roads within the Shire;
Councillors and staff of Cobar Shire Council are committed to delivering value to our community by aligning to our core values of Accountability, Communication, Effective Leadership, Integrity and Teamwork. The abbreviated mantra “ACE IT” represents who we are as an organisation, these core values are the guiding principles for how we carry out our duties and interact with our community.
Our goal is that our employees and others describe Cobar Shire Council as an organisation where people take personal responsibility, there is clarity and transparency, teamwork is effective across the business and we are considered by our customers and the community to add value.
Council are committed to behave and act in accordance with our core values.
Accountability | Communication | Effective Leadership | Integrity | Team Work | |
We value | We are responsible for our actions, our behavior and the satisfactory completion of allocated tasks | We communicate openly and respectfully, sharing timely and appropriate information with others | We lead by positive example, embodying all of Council’s agreed Values | We are consistently honest, transparent ethical and fair, regardless of the situation | We work collaboratively to achieve shared goals for Council and the community |
My Behaviors | I actively participate in the organization | I consider how I say it, why I say it, when I say it and where I say it | I act with courage, challenge the status quo and seek out ways to improve our organization | I do and say the right thing, even when no one is watching | I share my knowledge, skills and experience with others |
I take full ownership of my role, including my mistakes, and learn from my actions | I listen actively and ask questions to gain a shared understanding | I support and encourage others to learn, develop and grow | I take personal responsibility for my own actions and behavior | I support others to achieve goals and celebrate success | |
I inspire excellence by performing my role with pride | I show empathy and consider things from other’s point of view | I am approachable and treat others consistently and respectfully | I uphold strong moral principles and do what i say I am going to do | I consciously choose to work positively with others | |
I acknowledge my actions and behavior can impact and influence outcomes | I provide and receive timely, constructive feedback | I inspire and expect everyone to always do their best | I am professional, treating others just as I expect to be treated | I commit to working together to find solutions |
Finance and Corporate Services
To provide effective financial planning and reporting to ensure Council remains in a sound financial position, implement revenue policies which provide a fair and equitable distribution of the rate burden and maximise revenue from user charges, regulatory fees and contributions, ensure effective use of information technology throughout all the operations of Council and maintain effective administrative support to fulfill Council’s broad range of services and activities.
Engineering Services
To provide, develop and maintains the Shire’s infrastructure assets in terms of its transport services (roads, pathways, airport), utility services (water, sewerage, drainage) and open space recreation facilities (parks, reserves, sporting ovals, swimming pool) and to provide adequate resources to facilitate emergency service requirements.
Planning and Environmental Services
To promote, develop and maintain the natural and built environment and protect the community from risks to health and safety by properly monitoring buildings, development, food and waste services and facilitating services for a safe, clean healthy and orderly environment which will in turn improve the quality of life for citizens of the Shire and to undertake timely and effective forward planning of the Shire land use and infrastructure requirements.
Aged Services
To provide for the appropriate care of the aged within the Cobar community in a caring and homelike environment.
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