Council Meetings are open to the public. The formal Council Meeting begins at 5.00pm. At Council Meetings, Councillors discuss the issues and recommendations on the Agenda and will now be holding a public forum session.
If you would like to submit a request to speak about an item listed on the Council Agenda, or to ask a question, please email [email protected].
You may be interested in speaking during the Public Forum section at the Ordinary Council Meeting. This forum provides an opportunity for questions and comments from the public gallery.
Speakers must be approved by the General Manager. All requests for consideration need to be submitted by 2pm on the day of the Council Meeting. Only submissions on the Request to Address Council form will be accepted. Completed forms can be delivered to Council’s Executive Assistant to the General Manager / Mayor or by email to [email protected]. If you have any questions regarding this form, please call 02 6836 5809.
Speakers are normally limited to two people for and two against any proposal before Council, and are limited to three items for any one speaker. They are treated in order of receipt.
Speakers have 5 minutes to speak, including Councillors questions.