Cobar CBD Masterplan and Business Case

Project Summary

Cobar Shire Council has received funding to prepare a masterplan and business for the Cobar CBD. Council wishes to encourage more people into the CBD area creating a vibrant shared and used space. This masterplan will consider

  • encouraging new businesses
  • increase pedestrian activity
  • more open public paces
  • indoor/outdoor dinning opportunities
  • establish connectivity between existing and proposed key attractors within Cobar.  

Cobar Shire Council has engaged GHD Architects to complete the masterplan and business case and as part of this process they will be facilitating consultation sessions. To find out more click here   

Project Purpose

Council seeks to make Cobar more livable and provide economic opportunities in a vibrant CBD. The purpose of this project is to create a masterplan and business case to guide all future works within the CBD and help apply for future funding. 

Project Status

delivery create timeline


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