Sullivan’s Mining and Hardware supplies hydraulic hoses and fittings, industrial hoses and fittings, safety equipment, power tools, air tools, fasteners, pipes and fittings, cleaning products and industrial supplies.
Sullivan’s Mining and Hardware supplies hydraulic hoses and fittings, industrial hoses and fittings, safety equipment, power tools, air tools, fasteners, pipes and fittings, cleaning products and industrial supplies.
Monday-Friday: 8am to 5pm
Saturday-Sunday: on call.
Contact Person
Emma McRobertAddress
Old Bourke RoadAddress Town State & Postcode
Cobar NSW 2835Postal Address
PO Box 5Postal Address Town State & Postcode
Cobar NSW 2835Phone
02 6836 1677Mobile
0448 894 001Fax
02 6836 3341Email 1
[email protected]Emma McRobert
Old Bourke Road
Cobar NSW 2835
PO Box 5
Cobar NSW 2835
02 6836 1677
0448 894 001
02 6836 3341
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