Peter Payne Law provides legal and conveyancing services, including Wills/Powers of Attorney/Enduring Guardians, Estates/Probate, Family Law and Court representation at Cobar, Bourke, Brewarrina and Nyngan.
Peter Payne Law provides legal and conveyancing services, including Wills/Powers of Attorney/Enduring Guardians, Estates/Probate, Family Law and Court representation at Cobar, Bourke, Brewarrina and Nyngan.
Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm by appointment.
Contact Person
Peter Payne, Solicitor and ConveyancerAddress
16 Barton StreetAddress Town State & Postcode
Cobar NSW 2835Postal Address
PO Box 16Postal Address Town State & Postcode
Cobar NSW 2835Phone
02 6836 2408Mobile
0477 071 551Fax
02 6836 1141Email 1
[email protected]Website Payne, Solicitor and Conveyancer
16 Barton Street
Cobar NSW 2835
PO Box 16
Cobar NSW 2835
02 6836 2408
0477 071 551
02 6836 1141
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