Gumnut Gifts and Homewares stocks a wide range of gifts for all occasions. Gumnut also has a coffee shop serving light meals, coffee and cake.
Gumnut Gifts and Homewares stocks a wide range of gifts for all occasions. Gumnut also has a coffee shop serving light meals, coffee and cake.
Monday-Friday: 9am to 5.30pm; Saturday: 9am to 2pm; Sunday: closed.
Café – Monday-Friday: 9am – 4.30pm; Saturday: 9am – 1pm; Sunday: Closed.
Contact Person
Trudy GriffithsAddress
46-48 Marshall StreetAddress Town State & Postcode
Cobar NSW 2835Phone
02 6836 3664Mobile
0429 978 448Fax
02 6836 3664Email 1
[email protected]Trudy Griffiths
46-48 Marshall Street
Cobar NSW 2835
02 6836 3664
0429 978 448
02 6836 3664
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